NJ Supreme Court Ruling: Commercial Property Owners Now Liable for Sidewalk Injuries

July 24, 2024

NJ Supreme Court Ruling: Commercial Property Owners Now Liable for Sidewalk Injuries

In a ruling last month, the New Jersey Supreme Court made a significant decision affecting commercial property owners and individuals injured on commercial property sidewalks. This landmark decision mandates that all commercial property owners, including those with vacant lots, are responsible for maintaining the sidewalks adjacent to their properties. This shift in legal responsibility is crucial for ensuring the safety of pedestrians and holding property owners accountable for their negligence.

Understanding the NJ Supreme Court Ruling

In a closely contested 4-3 decision, the New Jersey Supreme Court reversed a long-standing precedent, establishing a clear duty for commercial property owners to maintain the sidewalks abutting their properties. The court emphasized that commercial landowners are now liable for injuries sustained due to their failure to keep these sidewalks in a safe condition. This ruling underscores the importance of proactive property maintenance and significantly impacts the legal landscape for premises liability in New Jersey.

What This Means for Slip and Fall Victims

If you or a loved one has suffered a slip and fall accident on a commercial property sidewalk in New Jersey, this ruling provides a clearer path to seeking compensation. Previously, proving liability in such cases could be complex, often deterring victims from pursuing legal action. However, with the new ruling, commercial property owners’ duty to maintain safe sidewalks is unequivocally established, making it easier for injury victims to hold property owners accountable for their negligence.

Common Causes of Sidewalk Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents on sidewalks can result from various hazardous conditions, including:

  • Cracked or Uneven Surfaces: Sidewalks that are not properly maintained may develop cracks or become uneven, posing a tripping hazard.
  • Debris or Obstructions: Objects left on the sidewalk, such as construction materials, fallen branches, or trash, can cause pedestrians to trip and fall.
  • Weather-Related Hazards: Ice, snow, or wet leaves can create slippery surfaces if not promptly cleared by property owners.
  • Poor Lighting: Inadequate lighting can make it difficult for pedestrians to see potential hazards on the sidewalk, increasing the risk of accidents.

Steps to Take After a Sidewalk Slip and Fall Accident

If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident on a commercial sidewalk, it is crucial to take the following steps to protect your rights and strengthen your case:

  • Seek Immediate Medical Attention: Your health and well-being are paramount. Ensure you receive the necessary medical treatment and document your injuries.
  • Document the Scene: Take photographs of the accident scene, including any hazardous conditions that contributed to your fall. This evidence is crucial for your claim.
  • Report the Incident: Notify the property owner or manager about the accident as soon as possible. Obtain a copy of any incident report filed.
  • Gather Witness Information: If there were any witnesses to your accident, collect their contact information and statements.
  • Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer: Navigating the legal complexities of a premises liability claim can be challenging. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve.

How Hartman Duff, LLC Can Help

At Hartman Duff, LLC, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that a slip and fall accident can have on your life. Our team of experienced New Jersey personal injury lawyers is dedicated to advocating for your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. We offer compassionate, personalized legal representation to help you navigate the aftermath of your accident and hold negligent property owners accountable.

Why Choose Hartman Duff, LLC?

  • Expertise and Knowledge: Our team stays abreast of the latest legal developments, including the recent NJ Supreme Court ruling, to provide the most informed and effective representation.
  • No Upfront Fees: We operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay unless we win your case.
  • Comprehensive Legal Support: Our lawyers have a proven track record of successfully handling premises liability cases in New Jersey. From initial consultation to final settlement, we provide comprehensive legal support at every stage of your claim.
  • Aggressive Advocacy: We are committed to fighting for your rights and ensuring that negligent property owners are held accountable. Our goal is to secure the maximum compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Contact Us Today

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident on a commercial property sidewalk, the New Jersey injury lawyers at Hartman Duff, LLC are here to help. With a deep understanding of premises liability law and a commitment to securing fair compensation for our clients, we provide dedicated legal support every step of the way.

We offer a free initial consultation, ensuring you get the guidance you need without any financial risk. Trust Hartman Duff, LLC to advocate for your interests and pursue the justice you deserve. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward recovering the compensation you are entitled to.